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Our business model
Over the last years the foreign exchange market has become a very different landscape. Before that, trading in foreign exchange was a non-accessible activity for most members of the general public. Minimum account sizes, high margin rates and large spreads meant that only large institutions and wealthy private customers could undertake the enormous risks implied under those trading conditions.

With the increasing popularity of online trading and the strengthening competition in the retail market, conditions for the small investor have drastically improved.

ACM's complete business model would be too long and ultimately is not pertinent to the foreign exchange trader. We are keen however on offering the potential customer an insight into who we are and how we work, we will therefore discuss the main features of our business model.

1. Competitiveness

ACM's 3 pip policy (on all major currencies) will undoubtedly frustrate more than a few of our competitors who still insist on doing less than they can to offer the best market spread possible. We constantly strive to offer the most competitive rates in the market. Obviously our aim behind this is to maintain the largest customer base possible, this in turn insures that each customer individually has a consistent pool of liquidity at his disposal.

2. Transparency

Transparency in this day and age is as important as profitability in any business. The modern day online customer has at his disposal a large amount of competitors to choose from at the touch of a button. Being transparent means that everything about a firm must be detailed on it's website, must be easy to find and must be complete. The modus operandi of a foreign exchange must be clearly explained and nothing about procedures, costs, technologies and services must remain hidden in order to satisfy the increasingly aware customer of today.

It is clear to any business at this day and age to what extent the internet customer is unforgiving in his judgment of what appears before his eyes. We at ACM have determined from an early stage that total transparency about how we do our business is a major component in retaining existing customers and attracting new ones.

3. User friendliness

Saving time and effort for our customers is the cornerstone of our web design. Many of our customers are professionals in some field or another. Obviously their time is precious and everything about our website strives to cut down on paperwork, hassle and aggravation so that the trader may concentrate on trading the market and not on time consuming procedures.

4. Quality and speed of information

ACM focuses on bringing the customer timely and pertinent market information. We offer the kind of dealing quotations that only institutional traders have enjoyed up to now. The trader has at his disposal an 'un-tampered' price feed updated on a tick by tick basis that reflects the day's price action without the 'price filtering' so often used by online brokers. On an average trading day anywhere from 5'000 to 15'000 offered prices/main currency pair occur on the ACM live price feed. We believe that this choice offers a much more precise view of the real market price action and market liquidity.

5. Service Orientation

Obviously for an online business it is clear that automating all trading through an efficient internet dealing platform substantially reduces overheads. This in turn permits us to offer conditions like 3 pips and no commissions. Many online firms however become lured by the automated nature of online dealing and forget that customers are real people. At ACM we know that at some point humans need to communicate orally and may need assistance and guidance. In accordance with this precept ACM's representatives in departments as varied as customer service, compliance, IT and dealing desk stand ready to take up the challenge of servicing an ever growing customer base.




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