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Regulatory environment
With 35% of the world's private assets managed by Swiss and foreign financial institutions based in Switzerland, the country has a long established tradition as one of the world's largest financial centers and indeed the largest financial center in continental Europe. Banks and financial companies withholding customers' funds are obliged to adhere to the regulatory standards of the Swiss financial authorities and must follow precise due diligence procedures and trading practices.

Since the 1st of April 1998 laws against money laundering (LBA) Swiss regulatory authorities have considerably tightened financial controls of banks and financial intermediaries obliging these institutions to be affiliated with and supervised by a recognized self-regulatory organization. ACM is fully compliant with the aforementioned directives and is subject to Swiss law and all applicable financial regulations.
ACM is directly regulated by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) located in Bern.

The following links contain information about financial regulation in Switzerland:
  •    Federal authority against money laundering
  •    Federal department of finance

  • To check ACM's affiliation with the Swiss Federal department of Finance, please click below:
  •    ACM Federal Department of Finance Affiliation
    Regulatory environment

    ACI - The Financial Markets Association is the largest financial association in the world with 18'000 members and affiliated in 81 countries. ACM and it's principals hold the status of active members.

    ACI which stands for 'association des cambistes internationale' has since 1955 set the procedural and ethical standards within the financial community. As such, it is regarded as the leading authority to lay down a set of correct market practices and code of conduct by which the financial services industry abides.

    ACI - The Financial Markets Association complies with the regulatory standards of the Swiss financial authorities and Swiss firms and banks and their principles thereof are encouraged to achieve membership with ACI.



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